Ran Liu

Ran Liu

PhD of Computer Science

University of Maryland, Baltimore County


My strongest research area is in machine learning, with a specific focus on classification and detection problems. This includes working on attack detection and the development of advanced techniques like generative adversarial networks (GANs) to efficiently generate adversarial examples for the adversarial training. My work primarily uses feature engineering and data quality improvement techniques.

Contact me at: rliu2{at}umbc{dot}com.

Download my resumé .

  • Machine Learning
  • Cybersecurity
  • Time Series Model
  • Back-End Development
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2024

    University of Maryland, Baltimore County

  • MS in Computer Science

    University of California, Santa Barbara

  • MS in Information Security

    Johns Hopkins University


SAS Institute Inc. IDeaS Division
Machine Learning Research Intern
SAS Institute Inc. IDeaS Division
Jan 2023 – Aug 2023 Minneapolis, MN

Responsibilities include:

  • Designed machine learning predictive model using PyTorch for competitors identification through Hidden Markov Model, Convolutional Neural Network and Dynamic Time Warping, improving detection accuracy from 46% to 67%.
  • Developed RESTful APIs for the production system using Java Spring Framework, and implemented a lightweight version algorithms using MySQL, benefiting over 30,000 clients.
  • Designed statistical model to predict errors in forecasting system through Random Forest and ARIMA, decreasing the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) from 0.17 to 0.04, contributing to over $12 million revenue.
  • Designed clustering algorithms utilizing GNN and GAN with TensorFlow. Refactored the base code using Java functional programming, reducing running time from approximately 8 days to around 3 hours.
Software Engineer Intern
May 2022 – Aug 2022 Seattle, WA

Responsibilities include:

  • Designed and implemented new I/O APIs optimizations using C++ that were used by all teams in the AWS Aurora division, reducing the IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) of the AWS Aurora over 80%.
  • Designed a new batch data structure for I/O submission, reducing system calls by a factor of 4,096.
  • Refactored code to eliminate lock dependencies using multithreading techniques, reducing I/O latency by 77%.
Shift4 Payment
Application Security Analyst
Shift4 Payment
Feb 2018 – Aug 2020 Las Vegas, NV

Responsibilities include:

  • Led 12 penetration tests on web and mobile applications using Burp Suite, NMAP, Windows shell, and Python. Delivered comprehensive risk assessments and recommended solutions to managers and stakeholders.
  • Led code review processes before application releases, offering in-depth risk assessments and proposing technical solutions to enhance security and programming standards.
  • Developed statistical models using Hidden Markov Model and Exponential Smoothing to detect transaction fraud.


Innovative System for Identifying Competitors
  • Designed machine learning predictive model using PyTorch for competitors identification through Hidden Markov Model, Convolutional Neural Network and Dynamic Time Warping, improving detection accuracy from 42% to 67%.
  • Developed RESTful APIs for the production system using Java Spring Framework, and implemented a lightweight version algorithms using MySQL, benefiting over 30,000 clients.
Innovative System for Identifying Competitors
Forecasting Errors in Time Series Model
  • Designed statistical model to predict errors in forecasting system through Random Forest and ARIMA, decreasing the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) from 0.17 to 0.04, contributing to over $12 million revenue.
Forecasting Errors in Time Series Model
The Design of high-performance I/O kernel interface
  • Developed C++ I/O APIs for AWS Aurora, achieving an 80% reduction in IOPS across all teams.
  • Created a batch data structure for I/O, cutting system calls by 4,096 times.
  • Enhanced code using multithreading to remove lock dependencies, lowering I/O latency by 77%.

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The Design of high-performance I/O kernel interface
A Distributed File System with High Scalability and Fault Tolerance

A fault-tolerant distributed file system that supports concurrent read/write operations using AWS, Java RMI, and the Primary protocol. The system has good scalability which can handle 10,000 requests with a maximum of 10,000 requests running concurrently.

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A Distributed File System with High Scalability and Fault Tolerance

Recent Publications

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(2023). Evaluating Representativeness in PDF Malware Datasets: A Comparative Study and a New Dataset. IEEE BigData ‘23: Proceedings of CyberHunt workshop of the IEEE BigData Conference.

(2023). A Feature Set of Small Size for the PDF Malware Detection. KDD ‘23: Proceedings of the KDD Workshop on Knowledge-infused Learning.


(2023). A PDF Malware Detection Method Using Extremely Small Training Sample Size. DocEng ‘23: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2023.


(2022). Can Feature Engineering Help Quantum Machine Learning for Malware Detection. MTEM 2022.

(2021). Incremental Malware Classification Using Hidden Markov Models. MTEM 2021.

(2017). Potential Forensic Analysis of IoT Data: An Overview of the State-of-the-Art and Future Possibilities. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) (2017): 705-710..